The challenge of producing a yearbook during a pandemic

Caesura Dennis

As we adjust to a new way of schooling, the yearbook staff also has to adjust to a new way of covering school events and getting information from students. A lot of the challenges they face stem from the lack of student life in the building.


“I’ve never experienced or imagined anything like what we’re dealing with now,” says Teresa O’Brien, who’s the yearbook teacher and head of the staff. “The shutdown last spring definitely helped prepare us and our publishing company for the fall.”


Every year, a new yearbook staff has been created with some new members and some members from last year. O’brien works with her staff to collect pictures and interviews for stories that can be included in the yearbook.


“Because we can’t have in person events, like the pep rallies and dances, it’s really hard to get pictures to fill pages,” says staff member Olivia Robertson. “Before there were always gym classes playing a game or science classes working on a project, and now we can’t photograph that or know anything about the classes.”


Some of the older staff members are having a hard time adjusting to the differences this year. There’s been such a drastic change, so for some kids that are taking the class a second time, they’ve had to readjust.


“We have to find people on Instagram and dm them to ask for interviews and photos,” says senior Bella Santos. “We’ve also had to begin setting up virtual interviews on Google Meets.”


They are also accepting the challenge by coming up with more creative stories to include, since they can’t cover their usual stories about student life in the building. Some of the newest ideas include Quarantine Fashion, Quarantine Hobbies, and At Home Picture Day.


“Quarantine fashion is my favorite for sure,” says staff member Joel Moody. “Everyone’s style at home and at school are totally different. People who wore designer clothes at school only wore t-shirts and shorts at home.”


The yearbook staff is working hard to put our yearbook together for us, but help from students is always appreciated. If you have any pictures or if you want to be included in the yearbook, feel free to contact Ms. O’Brien (Teresa_O’[email protected])  to help make the staff’s job easier.