Meeting Mrs. Garcia


Jordan Barrett

This year Mrs. Garcia, a new teacher, has started teaching English at Manchester.

Mrs. Garcia has always wanted to be a teacher since a young age. “I have always been passionate about reading, literature, and I always had an interest in grammar. Even since I was 5 years old, I was an honors student in English and it’s always been my favorite subject. I like reading all different genres and so I thought that it would be very inspiring to teach that to students and pass on a love for reading,” says Mrs. Garcia.

Our new teacher has started off her teaching career at Manchester high school teaching 5 c-level classes for freshmen

Mrs. Garcia is very busy outside of school as she is growing a family. “I have a three year old daughter. She takes up a lot of my time.” Mrs. Garcia says. She spends lots of time outside of school at the park and taking walks.

Before COVID-19 hit, she and her family would go to festivals and vacations. She says, “If I can travel out of the area, I love to go to the beach.”

Mrs. Garcia also stays busy in Grad school. “If I did have a hobby it would be reading. I have also run 3 marathons in Richmond. Not anymore, but I used to be a very good runner.”

She would run before and after work to train for races. Mrs. Garcia has always liked to run.

Mrs. Garcia describes her ideal vacation as, “somewhere in the mountains, like Asheville, that has lots of outdoor activities and nice restaurants.”