Manchester High School’s traffic lines have gotten longer and longer over the years, causing conflicts with attendance for licensed Lancers.
With over 2,000 students at Manchester, at least a few hundred drive themselves to school. The traffic line in the morning connects all the way down to Bayhill Pointe West and moves very slowly. Morning traffic also causes buses and other cars who are not attending school to get caught up in the mess, causing the buses to not get to school on time, making unlicensed students late or arriving at school with very little time to get to class.
Senior Charlie Hague said, “As a student driver, I think the traffic in the morning is a bit annoying. Obviously, there’s going to be commotion considering how many students we have. However, I find that I’m more annoyed by the parents dropping off students opposed to fellow student drivers.”
While not much can be done about traffic in the morning, many students find it inconvenient that they have to suffer the consequences of something they have no control over. If you are tardy to class nine times, you get after school detention, and eventually it can lead up to getting seat time.
Hague said, “I have been late due to morning traffic various times. Most recently, two cars almost collided in the intersection because one of them tried to make a right turn on red. I was late after that.”
Many students think that something should be done about the traffic in the morning, or that their tardiness should not count against them since it is completely out of their control. Because it is a known issue that there will be at least 20 minutes of traffic when coming to school in the morning between the times of 8 and 8:30, students who drive to school are advised to arrive at school by 8 am.